Author, Teacher, Speaker, Podcaster
Books Copyrighted and Currently in the Publication Process
"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."
— Joseph Addison
The Foundation to Your Success
The foundation you choose to build your life upon will be the rock on which your life stands or the stumbling stone by which your life falters. What do we truly base our choices for life upon? What do we truly base our choices for how we judge others upon? Do you know what the foundation of your life is? With this book, we look at and analyze what it is we individually choose to stand upon. And we break down some thoughts about that on which we choose to stand. Your foundation: Is it strong, or is it weak? Is it firm, or is it malleable and shaky? Is it absolute, or is it relative, and does it change? Do we really and truly understand the importance of that base? In this book, we dive further into that analysis and look at what it is we believe and why we believe it, and we are given the chance to answer, not just those questions, but what is our vision for our life and our mission with the time we have been given; we discuss our knowledge and its importance; and we ask what we are led to believe is the most important question at the end of our lives: were we successful in our life? Do we truly understand what success is and how to begin reaching that success? This book also brings some insight into our personal search for our standing in life, understanding for our neighbor, and helping each other open a path to our success. For when we are honest about where we stand, when we can proudly hold firm to our beliefs, when we find that vision and accomplish that mission, when we teach ourselves about the power of knowledge, and when we do reach our success, then the quality of our life and the strength and longevity of that success will ultimately be determined by our original choice for the foundation on which we build our life. Our foundation is the basis upon which all we do in life will be built and judged, and that foundation will help form the basis of our assigned value. As long as we are alive, we have a choice. Now is the time to lay that foundation and to understand how the quality of your life is greatly shaped by your choices for the planting, feeding, and sowing of that foundation; for what you cultivate is what you sow, and what you sow you shall reap. Learn the foundation for your success.
Your Foundation in Action
Your foundation is tested every day; why not put yours to the test? When life demands challenging answers, where do you find yours? When life’s changing circumstances and accepted cultures, values, and norms come to challenge you and your core, how do you reply? In this book, we delve deeper into the philosophy of culture and society's more taboo topics—topics you deal with every day and topics that have an impact on your life: check your privilege; does life have value; are you blessed; what is Truth; and more. This book picks up where Volume I: The Foundation to Your Success left off. Once you know your foundation, you can hold firm to your beliefs; you know your vision and mission for your life; you know the power of knowledge; and you know what success is. Then, as my father said, “Go forth.” That is what Volume I helps reveal to you. When you go forth, you enter the world where you apply that foundation to the choices you make in that world. That is what Volume II will help reveal to you. Will you stand firm? Can you withstand the forces of the ever-changing world’s mighty winds when they try to blow you away? Are you able to hold reasonable, logical, and peaceful discussions, or do the shifting emotions and daily justifications cause your beliefs to be shaken, your foundation to crack, and your emotions to rise to the role of power over you? We test the firmness of your foundation, we test the richness or level of poison in your belief, we test the planting of the seeds for your vision and mission that you claimed to have, we test the knowledge that you have accepted and if it is helping grow that seed or choke it out, and we test if your success is true and the harvest is plentiful or if it all will come crashing down because of your foundation. It’s a confrontation that we all must face. We all have a choice in our lives: we can allow others and circumstances to influence and dictate to us what we stand for, what we believe, and what we will choose and do, or we can stand on a firm, unchanging, absolute foundation and feed our lives with nourishing beliefs and a knowledge of the Truth. How will you decide to answer life’s call?
If you can keep it
The United States of America has a rich and often misunderstood creative history. It is the misunderstanding and, sometimes, outright deceitful teachings that make us miss the true history of this nation’s founding, ideals, operation, foundation, and where the power truly lies. This book will encourage you to research the truth about America’s founding and the reasoning and intent that led the settlers and our forefathers to seek out a land of freedom and to create the land of liberty that America was and is intended to be—that beacon of light in a darkened world, the land of hope and opportunity, and a refuge for the political and religious oppressed. It will, hopefully, encourage you to revisit the original writings, the original stories, and the original context. You will learn the truth about how the government of America was originally set up and the intent behind the founders, and we will look at and identify the basic fractures in our tree of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Judicial tyranny has crept in, and its corrosive sap is eating away at the very roots and foundation of this nation. But how? I hope this book encourages you to do your own independent research on the reasons the settlers came here, the intent and ideals established by our founders in our founding documents, the rights and power “we the people” yield, embrace our God-given rights, and understand why these freedoms, liberties, and rights are worth fighting for. Nothing is free; everything costs. Ignorance and complacency will cost more than we could ever repay, but our journey is not over, and I hope this book will help in the fight for knowledge, understanding, and truth, and the rekindling of that great light of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that a free America once was and can be again.
Who do you say He is?
Jesus is a household name, even for those who do not believe in God, the Bible, or Jesus. Even other religions and histories say He is and have proven Him real. Since He is popular even among nonbelievers, why not learn more about who He is? Who do you say Jesus is? In this book, we will dive into just a few of the most popular aspects and characteristics of who Jesus is and see how things fit together. Based on Scripture, let's find out about the power and importance of the person known as Jesus.
Personal journals are specifically designed to help you rebuild your faith, reignite your hope, overcome depression, and reach your destiny of richness and life.
And to just write your thoughts down, of course.
"What are you planting in private? Will it produce good fruit?"
— Josh C. Jones, Making sense of America's newest Guild...Again
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