We will all--each one of us, you and I--we will all leave a legacy behind that will have an impact in this world through the next generation, and sometimes many generations to come. And we will all help cement a legacy in eternal joy or misery. It is inevitable; it is unavoidable; it is essential.
You can choose the legacy you will leave. You can choose joy or misery. How people will perceive your legacy and act upon it will be up to them, though. But you choose the legacy based on your chosen foundation, your chosen behavior, and your chosen level of obedience and discipline.
What legacy do you want to leave behind?
Go ahead, start thinking about that answer now. It's going to happen anyway, so you might as well be deliberate with it. You spend your entire life building it.
As for me, I hope my legacy is one of good, as I’m sure we all do. I hope my legacy will help many people find hope in this life, encourage them to reach their success, change their perspective for a better understanding, and help them realize the free gift of grace.
But what “good” will I be leaving behind? What “good” will you be leaving behind? What foundation is this "good" built on?
What is "good"?
All things are known in comparison to something. To know something is good it must be compared to something that is perceived not good. But what is "not good"?
So, good compared to what? This is where your foundation, the right foundation, is vitally important. It's your chosen foundation that will determine for you what is "not good" and what is "good."
Will this legacy of "good" be objective truth or a relative truth based on subjective reality? That depends on your foundation and choices in your life.
Okay, so what is this legacy one might leave behind? Other than just the way you chose to live your life, I mean.
Well, there are many ways you can leave a legacy.
I do, however, think that the best legacy one can leave is that of respectful, hard working, compassionate, and God-fearing and loving children. Future generations will be impacted not only by the way you raised your children and the wisdom you passed down to them but also by their continued good deeds—kind words, generous actions, show of love, and bold and firm stance for absolute, objective Truth.
But what if you don’t have children? What if you can’t have children? What if you were just not lucky or blessed to have a family?
There are many ways to leave a legacy apart from your DNA in the next generation.
Remember, someone is always watching and learning from you.
Photo by Kalei de Leon on Unsplash