America is the best beacon of hope in our world.
You can call me crazy or a nationalist, and that's okay. Why? Because America is one of the last few places where you can speak your mind, where you can think differently, where you can worship who or what you choose, where you can criticize your own government, where you can learn what you want, where you can chase your dream and not be subjected to feudalism, where you can call me crazy, and where I can write and speak the Truth, and where we can all do this without fear of imprisonment, punishment, or death by our government or, as in many countries and localities in the world, be labeled and punished by the theocracy in charge.
I know, times have changed, America has changed, and sometime in the 1800's we transitioned from a truly free, small constitutional government in America to more of a "corporate" expansive Big Brother America. And since the 1900's, we've been transitioning once again from a capitalist and liberty-seeking America to more of a socialist/communist embracing America.
And we've seen what happens when you don't toe the line with certain philosophies and political powers in charge: solitary confinement, no due process, entrapment, loss of livelihood, and many other things we've seen over the years from what was once considered to be unconstitutional acts of tyranny.
You're crazy, ignorant, and don't know history!!!
Am I? I know I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I can and do read, and I do embrace critical thinking.
Did you know that we weren't meant to have a two-party system? Did you know that any legal citizen was meant to be able to run for office, and serving in office was just "serving," not a career or job to make you rich?
There's a lot that has changed, even in my lifetime, and there is much more that groups want to change. Remember that some said they wanted to
"Fundamentally change America."
And there are those, even in America and "serving" in political positions, who chant those words, which we are instructed to ignore because, as we are told, we are the ones who take them out of context.
What are those words?
"Death to America!"
It's a mixed-up and crazy world.
Yet, where do the people of the world flee? Where are the oppressed people running? Which country does the world see as the best place for freedom—the land where they can chase their dreams, the place where they can generate wealth, escape poverty, and be what they want? Whose borders are always crowded and being crossed? Where do we keep bringing the refugees of the world, and where do they keep wanting to go?
But why fundamentally change American ideals and the so-called "outdated" Constitution? Believe it or not (and it does seem outlandish, but surprisingly, it's not), some would say because of white people. Some would say because of slavery—it only ever existed here in America and nowhere else on earth and in no other time, past, present, or future, and by no other race or ethnicity. Some would say because of Christianity (remember, God-given is null and void if God there not be). Some would say that freedom means inequality.
I think it's because, as I have just said and said in other writings and my award winning poetry book America Then and Now,
"God-given is null and void if God there not be."
You can't have God-given anything if you don't believe in God, and so long as there is God, government could never be.
Liberty means responsibility; freedom means accountability; borders mean sovereignty; nationality means individualism; self-government means the people rule.
Can this be corrected? Can America be what it was created to be? Will this last beacon of hope be extinguished?
Read America Then and Now to see what we were, what we've become, and why it's so important to honor our fallen.
I do believe you will enjoy this poem, and I hope we can all learn from the truth. Besides this poem win 1st place in published poetry at the 2024 WriterCon.