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Begin At The Beginning

The best place to begin is at the beginning.

For any goal or dream you have, the best place to begin accomplishing and reaching that goal or dream is, you guessed it, the beginning.

That first step is almost always the most difficult, the most stressful, the most questionable, and the most costly. It's the beginning of great risk. It's the beginning of change.

How do we learn to walk? By putting one foot in front of the other. How do we learn to run? The same. How do we make progress toward our goals or dreams in life? By taking one step at a time.

It's rare for someone to reach a big goal or dream overnight; when it happens, it is a miraculous blessing. Oftentimes we call people "overnight successes, when in reality they spent years, even decades, working toward what we now perceive as success—they achieved it over time, step by step.

I remember one friend who achieved his goals and dreams in the production business. People ask him and others like him, "How did you get there so fast? "What did you do to get to success? "Why aren't I there yet?"

If you want to know his secret and the secret of others like him, it's this: take that first step. Begin at the beginning, taking one step at a time, and in time, you will have crossed the finish line to your goal or dream.

We joke he's "an overnight, ten-year success," because that is what he is, and that is about how long it took, step by step, for a decade to reach that goal, his success.

You can do this. You can reach your goal. You can achieve success. You can grow, advance, and succeed.

One step at a time, one foot in front of the other, and begin at the beginning.

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