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First, Godly Issues, then Common Sense

Updated: Oct 9, 2024

Is it even possible to find any candidate who stands for the beliefs and values held dear by you?

Absolutely, if you run for office, then you’ll find someone standing with 100% of your beliefs and values.

Even if you aren’t on the ballot, it’s still not too difficult to find a candidate who stands with a majority of your values if you truly have those values.

“When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.” Roy E. Disney

Voting is not about a popularity contest, nor should your vote be based on popular opinion, nor should your vote be based on extreme dislike (hate) for one person, nor should it be based on a single race or gender.

Voting is your right, and it’s how you express your value system and your commitment to your beliefs, your country, your neighbor, and your God.

The elections are looming, and the country is on edge.

We’ve seen so much these last 16 years, and an even more abrupt turn these last four years. I know some people’s heads are still spinning at how fast a shift has occurred in America, and, if we are going to be honest, it has not been too much of an America first shift. I know some people automatically associate that phrase with one political candidate or one political party, but if that were true and only one person or one party was about putting America first, then the decision should be easy, shouldn't it? But is it really that easy? Maybe.

It doesn't matter what side of the issues you choose to be on; it seems as if we are all feeling like we are in the same boat with most politicians and the political climate and state of our country.

To almost anyone, it is like this election is finally the one.

It truly is a turning point.

In a previous podcast (Episode 011: Support (how do we vote?), I talked about the three top ways I found that people tend to vote:

  1. The lesser of two evils

  2. Political party

  3. Policy

Believe it or not, policy is often not the first choice in how people vote. Party is often number one: Republican or Democrat. But in this, people don’t even tend to look at what the party they only vote for even stands for. What are the platforms each party stands on? They aren’t all the same; otherwise, there wouldn’t be such a divide.

But policy should be the major deciding factor in how you vote. Especially as a Christian. This also goes for anyone who says they believe in the Bible, follow God, or any type of religious belief really: Christian, Catholic, Jew, etc.

Robert Jeffress made a statement that I think is very important to understand:

“Not every issue is a biblical issue.”

But where should people who claim the title of Christian (Christ follower), who claim to believe in God, who claim to follow the Bible, and who claim to be different than the world start since not everything is a biblical issue?

One hint is to not just blindly follow what your pastor or priest or the Pope says when it comes to certain issues, because not all of them are following God.

Hmmm… it helps to want to seek the Truth.

Anyway. There are issues that are biblical, and these are the issues the believer, the Jesus follower, the Bible follower, the person (Christian, Jew, Catholic, etc.) who claims to believe in and follow God should start with.

“One of Satan’s grandest deceptions is that we can rest our hope for cultural morality and godly living in politicians and governmental officials. A nation’s hope for change is not to be found in any country’s ruling class. The church has made a mistake if it thinks that it is the job of politicians to defend, to advance, and to guard biblical truths and Christian values.” (

The right to vote is your opportunity to either promote, protect, or preserve what you want this country to become, society to celebrate, the next generation to be taught and begin to believe, and, if your claim is to be on God’s side, then it’s also to promote and preserve a godly government.

Biblical issues for anyone who claims to follow and believe in God and the Bible are the first place to begin when figuring out who might be the best choice to cast your vote for (Jew, Christian, Catholic).

Remember, our opinion means little if God is clear on an issue.

Firstly, it would be good to look at what God has been clear about in His Word.

A few examples of Biblical issues are:

Biblical Issues

  • Life (in and out of the womb)

    • The Bible is clear about when life begins and the intrinsic value of human life.

    • (Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139:13-16, Psalm 127:3, Job 31:15, Exodus 21:22-25)

  • Marriage and Family

    • (Genesis 2:24, Hebrews 13:4, Matthew 19:4-6, Mark 10:9)

  • Religious liberty

    • Will this candidate’s position allow you to privately and publicly continue to exercise your faith in Jesus and live by Godly values?

  • Children

    • Psalm 127:3

If you are a follower of Jesus, if you believe in the Bible, if you believe in God, then you must not "give approval to those who practice them [wickedness],” such things that God has declared morally evil, wrong. (Romans 1:32)

Secondly, it would be good to look at common sense issues.

A few examples of common sense issues are:

Common Sense Issues

  • Border

    • "Without sovereignty, a nation cannot exist. Without borders, it can't be defined or protected." Geert Wilders

    • "The very heart of being a sovereign nation is providing security of one's borders, of one's internal situation, and security against anyone attacking one's nation. That is the very heart of what I believe is sovereignty." John Warner

    • "... without borders, a nation is not a nation; and without clear borders and the protection and enforcement of those borders, there is little sovereignty or distinction between citizen and alien." Josh C. Jones

  • Economy

    • "Inflation is as violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber, and as deadly as a hitman." Ronald Reagan

    • "The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation." Vladimir Lenin

    • "I continue to believe that the American people have a love-hate relationship with inflation. They hate inflation but love everything that causes it." William E. Simon

      • This will be evident by the way we choose to vote.

  • Freedom and Rights

    • God-given rights are null and void if there is no God.

    • "Free speech is killing us," headlined a New York Times op-ed.

      • How many people have been cancelled under the guise of “misinformation” or "disinformation” only for time to reveal what they were saying was the truth, and this censorship was really draconian measures by a political group or ideology? Think about it.

Voting is not about a popularity contest, nor should your vote be based on popular opinion, nor should your vote be based on extreme dislike (hate) for one person, nor should it be based on a single race or gender.

Voting is your right, and it’s how you express your value system and your commitment to your beliefs, your country, your neighbor, and your God.

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