Be careful what you throw; it just might come back to you.
Ask yourself: Do you want what you are throwing? Well, if it’s a boomerang, then yes, you probably do want it back.
One thing, however, is not a maybe, and when you throw it, it will cause ripples, which will be felt by others, and those ripples will cause waves in your life too, in some way.
"Do not throw stones at your neighbors if your own windows are glass."
Benjamin Franklin
If you are fragile to the words that others might speak toward you or to the silencing of your voice, if you are weak in strength, if confusion has left you timid, then be careful of the stones that you throw at others and into this world.
Really, even if you are tough-skinned, you should still be careful of the words you throw. But you should be especially careful if you are easily offended. Like the saying goes, “If you can’t take it, don’t dish it.” Oh man, have I met so many people throughout my lifetime who will say hurtful and negative things to others but immediately cry fowl when a similar thing is spoken back to them? Speaking of, have you noticed how many people will use a certain word or words but act so offended and hurt if another person says the exact same word? On more than one occasion, I had an individual call me a term that supposedly is okay to say for some people but is outright deserving of a butt whooping, firing, and canceling if said by anyone else. My thought is that maybe you just shouldn't use that word if it truly is so offensive and hurtful. Just a thought.
Sorry. I got sidetracked there.
Did you know that even stones of truth when thrown could very well cause unwanted ripples felt throughout time, too? There are some people who do not like the truth.
You cannot get back the stone after it is thrown, but you will receive the ripple effect.
Wouldn’t you rather have the ripple of truth and positivity rather than the ripple of lies or hate?
You can create ripples of positive, uplifting, and life-giving help from the stones you throw, or you can create negative and defeating ripples of destruction and death from the stones you throw.
That's the great thing about life: you choose which stones you throw, not someone else or the circumstances around you; you choose the stones you throw. And you know that this also means that you are responsible for the ripples and accountable for the stone you throw.
However, so many of us forget this great wisdom until after we have thrown the stone and the ripple is already in motion.