Don't talk about what you don't want, talk about what you do want.
What is it that you do want?
Did you know that matter is made up of energy, which is vibration? That’s the super short, no real detail here, version. Anyway, matter is made of vibrating packets of energy. And do you know what words are? Sounds, which are vibrations. This is the super-duper-short version. You can read more in-depth information in my book (the second edition), Destiny: Rich or Poor, Life or Death, Choose Your Destiny.
The main point here is that your words hold power. Not like mystical or magic power, but they do hold power in and over your life and in this world.
Your words hold power.
Your thoughts create. Did you know that? It's true! What you think about is what you create, first in your mind (of course) and then in your speech, and then in your actions. I speak in depth on this in my book Destiny: Rich or Poor, Life or Death, Choose Your Destiny.
Think about the goals you've achieved thus far in life, or the painting you painted, or the story you wrote, or the item you built, or the wealth you've generated. Did you not think about it first? Did you not visualize it in your mind first?
Everything you see, everything created was first created in someone's mind, in their thoughts, and then spoken into existence through their words---of course it took action, too. But it began in their thoughts and was inspired by their words.
"Thoughts create, and words can either inspire or discourage. Why? Because words are a tool we use to communicate our thoughts to each other. As James C. Humes put it, 'Words are the essence of communication.'" - Josh C. Jones, Destiny: Rich or Poor, Life or Death, Choose Your Destiny.
With your words you will either discourage or encourage, tear down or build, curse or bless.
"Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can be only forgiven, not forgotten." -Unknown
That, right there is very powerful:
Once a word is said, it can only be forgiven, never forgotten.
Your words will lift you and others up, building a good life, or they will tear you and others down, destroying the one life you have.
Once upon a time, an old man began to spread rumors about his neighbor. He would tell people that his neighbor was a thief. Well, one day, a burglary did take place and as a result of the old man's rumors, the young man was arrested.
Days later the young man was proven innocent and was released. The man felt humiliated as he walked to his home; people were pointing in his direction and whispering. He knew they were talking about him. He was so embarrassed and angry.
The man sued the old man for wrongly accusing him.
While in court, the old man told the Judge, “They were just comments. They didn’t harm anyone.”
The judge, before passing sentence on the case, said to the old man, “Write all the things you said about him on a piece of paper. Then I want you to cut the piece of paper up and, on your way home, throw the pieces of paper out. Tomorrow you will hear the sentence."
The next day, the judge told the old man, “Before receiving the sentence, I want you to go out and gather all the cut up pieces of paper that you threw out yesterday."
The old man exclaimed, “I can’t do that! The wind must have spread them all over by now, and I don’t know where to find them."
The judge then replied, “That's the same for the words you speak. In the same way, simple comments may destroy the honor of a man to such an extent that one is not able to fix it."
The old man realized his mistake and asked for forgiveness.
"A spoken word is not a sparrow. Once it flies out, you can't catch it."
-- Russian proverb
Your words hold power.